Our Services

Comprehensive Care for Every Body



Initial injury assessment and follow-up consultations
We pride ourselves on our clinical expertise and industry-leading approach to make sure our clients are happy, engaged and improving. Our physiotherapy covers a wide range of conditions, including: back, shoulder, neck, knee and hip pain, sporting injuries, posture related pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, workplace injuries, pre- and post-surgical treatment, and more.


Lond-term injury rehab programs
Our physio-led rehabilitation classes are individually designed specific to your individual needs, sessions are delivered in a similar format to what you would experience at an elite level sporting team. Obvious differences would be you will be working at your personal intensity and achieving your personal goals.
Remedial Massage


Recover like a professional
They say if you service your car more than you get a massage then you are looking after the wrong machine…
It’s true
Regular massage improves your ability to both train harder and perform better. Don’t treat yourself, its maintenance!


Clear & Simple Pricing


Initial Consultations
First appointments & new injurie


45 min

  • Patient history & medical background
  •  Injury assessment
  • Functional assessment
  • Review of diagnostic imaging and reports
  •  Manual therapy (dry needling, trigger point release, joint mobilisation & manipulations) ​
  • Development of individualised treatment plan
  • Education of prescribed exercises


Follow-up Session
Single injury check-up


30 min

  • Injury review
  • Progress evaluation
  •  Adjustment of treatment plan as needed
  •  Manual therapy (dry needling, trigger point release, joint mobilisation & manipulations)
  • Strength assessments
  • Exercise progressions


Long-Term Injury Rehab Programs
The gold standard in rehab programs


/ Week

  • All Physiotherapy Sessions (minimum 1 per week)
  • 24/7 Support from our team of professionals
  • Detailed Rehab Plan
  • Individualised Rehab Program
  • Unlimited Access to our  Rehab Gym @ 30 Pitt 
  • Unlimited Access to our Recovery pool & Saunas
  • End-Stage Rehab Testing & Report



45 min

  • 60 min $139
  • 90 min $190
  • Patient history & medical history
  • Manual therapy (dry needling, cupping, Trigger points, active release techniques and more)
  • Private health fund rebates on the spot with HICAPS


What Our Clients Say About Us

"Feeling very lucky to have found Jonathan and the team at Sydney Sports Physio. I suffered severe groin pain after a mid week rugby training session. So painful I could barely walk. Thankfully, I was able to schedule an appointment with Jonathan the next morning and see him that day - during my lunch break at work. For a clinic located in the CBD, they have an awesome setup with a gym and outdoor area attached to the clinic. Jonathan was able to release my groin and gave me some exercises to do at home. My groin healed rapidly. After two appointments ready to step back out on the field. I’m very grateful to Jonathan and the team and would recommend them to anyone!"

T. Cunich Client

"Kieren's been managing my ACL rehab for the last few months and it's been going really well. Everything is recorded and you can track your progress. Would definitely recommend!"

E. Jones Client

"Huge thanks to to the team and especially to Kieren. Kieren was extremely personable, thoughtful and thorough. I really appreciated his focus on the bigger picture and building a stage-by-stage plan to get my shoulder pain free and stronger. After a year of pain and countless other physios, his eight week program has worked wonders. Couldn't recommend him and the team more."

R. Srivastava Client

Contact Us

Make an Appointment

Instantly confirm your appointment by making your booking online, our easy to book software is very user friendly and appointments can be confirmed 24/7. Remember with our 2 clinics being only 200 meters apart if your preferred time isn’t available it might be worth checking the availability at our other clinic.


Frequently Asked Question

Common questions people ask about our clinics, if your question isn’t answered below please reach out and I am sure we can get you an answer. 

A: Yes, all our clinics have HICAPS terminals for fast instant private health fund claims so you only pay the gap. Gaps depend on health funds and your cover.

A: No, to be fair if your issue is musculoskeletal then you should book straight in with a physiotherapist as they are the experts in this area, free up the GP network for the long list of other health issues that GPs cover.

Initial consultation: Up to a 45 min private consultation (depending on the nature and severity of the presenting issue) with a physiotherapist that may typically include:

- an interview with you so we can understand your unique story, injury history and your ideal outcomes

- education and advice about your condition so you are well informed every step of the way

- hands on manual treatment (soft tissue massage, joint mobilisations, dry-needling and more)

- a detailed physical assessment so we can provide you an accurate diagnosis (this is very important to inform your treatment plan so you can recover and be pain-free sooner rather than later)

- a targeted exercise rehabilitation program (with progressions) that addresses your injury needs based on the physical assessment

- 24/7 support from our physiotherapists and access to our fully equipped gym while you complete your rehab with us

- communication between your doctor/personal trainer/health professional for a comprehensive outlook

Follow-up consultations:
- hands on manual treatment as needed

- progression of your treatment plan and phase of rehab

- regular reassessment of your injury along the way so we can evaluate your progress

- continued communication with your doctor/personal trainer/health professional