How can my headache be caused by my neck pains?

Up to 90% of headaches and migraines can be caused by our C1/C2/C3 vertebrae (top 3 joints in our neck underneath the base of our head). These types of headaches and migraines are termed Cervico-genic (cervico – meaning neck, and genic – meaning originating from).


Cervicogenic headaches are a symptom of dysfunction occurring at these upper neck joints. A large percentage of these headaches are caused from postural issues, and for all of us that sit for too long (all the desk jockeys out there) – it begins with chronic slouching. Staying in a slouched position all day long whilst looking up at a screen with gravity acting on our bodies causes a position called forward-head carriage. Forward-head carriage means that our necks are now put into a chronic position of stress and strain having to hold up the weight of our heads for long periods of time further away from our centre of mass.


An average head can weigh up to 3-4kg. Now imagine holding a 3-4 kg dumbbell with your arm close to your body compared to further away from the body’s centre of mass for long periods of time. It would be significantly more fatiguing to hold that load further away for longer periods of time which is what is happening to our necks in this position during sitting whilst looking up at a screen for long periods. The muscles and joints in our upper neck become stiff in these positions which causes irritation to the nerves in these areas. This can sensitise the nerves – causing symptoms of tension headaches (tension and pain starting from the back of the head that spreads over the top of the skull into the forehead and behind the eye sockets).


Management of these types of headaches begin with identifying the aggravating factors and trying to set up preventative measures against these factors (e.g. sitting for prolonged periods with forward-head carriage). Prevention is the first step in alleviating these symptoms. After identifying the cause and providing a solution (e.g. varying posture throughout the day with a standing desk), treatment using manual therapies (massage and dry needling) can be extremely helpful in providing relief and a window of opportunity where the patient is pain-free to perform specific rehab exercises that relieve tension in the upper neck joints and build the strength required to prevent instability in this area.


If you’re stuck suffering with these tension headaches, reach out to us and we’ll be able to provide the relief you’re looking for at Sydney Sports Physio and Fitness.


A modern approach to physiotherapy

We pride ourselves on our clinical expertise and industry-leading approach to make sure our clients are happy, engaged and improving.

Our physiotherapy covers a wide range of conditions, including: back, shoulder, neck, knee and hip pain, sporting injuries, posture related pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, workplace injuries, pre- and post-surgical treatment, and more.


Rebuild like a professional

Our physio led rehabilitation classes are individually designed specific to your individual needs, sessions are delivered in a similar format to what you would experience at an elite level sporting team.

 Obvious differences would be you will be working at your personal intensity and achieving your personal goals.

Sports Massage

Recover like a professional

They say if you service your car more than you get a massage then you are looking after the wrong machine…

It’s true

Regular massage improves your ability to both train harder and preform better. 

Don’t treat yourself, its maintenance!